Different Types of Appliances that Helps in the Growth of the Jaw

A child’s facial structure and formation are highly dependent on proper jaw growth that affects the facial profile, health, development of airway passage, and teeth alignment. But if, for some reason, there is an impediment in the development of jaw growth, then getting emergency dental care is the only option to rectify the issue. Jaw growth can be supported or corrected by several dental appliances that an emergency dentist can provide. 

Different Types of Appliances for Jaw Growth

Depending on the need or cause, an emergency dentist can recommend any of the following appliances for the optimum treatment for jaw growth -


  • Bite Corrector consists of metal braces which are enclosed by springs to create pressure on the lower and upper jaw to treat the malocclusion or the misalignment of teeth to correct the bite
  • Palatal Expansion is used to fix the crossbite in which upper teeth go behind the lower set of teeth when the mouth is closed. The palatal Expansion is either fixed or removable and is attached to the upper teeth
  • Headgear is made of stainless steel and is removable, consisting of a face-bow and fabric strap. It is used to improve jaw growth by the application of pressure to the upper jaw and upper teeth
  • Herbst Appliance is fixed to molars on the upper and lower jaw so that the overbite can be treated. It also uses the expansion screws to widen the jaw
  • Bionator is a removable appliance that makes the lower jaw grow in the correct proportion of the upper jaw to help in the development of adequately aligned bite
  • Mara is used to pushing the lower jaw bone forward to correct the overbite

Though the use of appliances may seem a bit complicated and getting used to it can take some time. Still, the right emergency dentist can provide proper treatment for jaw growth, and following the instructions after the procedure can make the entire process easy. On average, it takes 12 months to treat jaw problems, and proper care can help a lot.

Treating Jaw Growth Issues through Emergency Dental Care

In an issue affecting jaw growth, connecting with an emergency dentist is crucial because any delay in treatment can make it more difficult. So, by calling the Emergency Dental Service on 1-888-350-1340, you can quickly locate the right emergency dentist, open 24 hours and begin the treatment for jaw growth as soon as possible.  


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