Understanding Oral Sedation – Advantages And Disadvantages

Oral sedation is pill sedation and is one of the top three sedation methods used by dentists and emergency dentists to calm and relax patients during dental procedures. It isn't intravenous sedation but is used to calm down patients and decrease the brain's activity to reduce the fear and anxiety that one suffers from these dental procedures.

Oral Sedation - Emergency Dental Service

There are tons of advantages when it comes to oral sedation:

·  It is easy to administer: The dentist who is taking care of you will prescribe a pill to keep you calm during the entire procedure. It is one of the easiest forms of sedation because you have to swallow this pill an hour or so before the emergency dental service, and you will be quite relaxed by the time it starts.

·  No needles: Most people have a fear of needles, which are used for IV sedation. When it comes to oral sedation, the patient can take this orally before the appointment without worrying about needles.

·  Amnesia: the healthy dosage ends up resulting in complete loss of memory of the procedures. It is excellent for those who suffer from significant anxiety and fear because they won't remember what happened while sedated.

·  Safe: These sedatives have been regulated and administered by the FDA.

·  Responsive: You might end up feeling a little tired with this sedation, but you will still end up being awake and responsive, and you can efficiently respond to the different instructions given by the doctor.

Disadvantages of oral sedation

·   Not effective immediately: If you get sedated through nitrous oxide, then the effects start quite quickly. With pill or oral sedation, the results take a little bit of time, and therefore it is told to take medicine an hour in advance. Sedation levels do not get changed easily: Because it takes time for the oral sedation to become effective, one thinks of increasing the dosage.

·  Cannot drive by yourself to the appointment: Oral sedation is used for causing relaxation to patients. Therefore, it is recommended to bring someone along with you to the appointment to make it there safely.

Everybody fears urgent dental care and dental appointments. Sedation dentistry is quite helpful for those patients who are way too anxious to handle the procedures. These are necessary for taking care of your overall oral health.


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