Are You Worried About Bad Breath? Here Is the Solution

Bad breath is a serious concern and has become an impediment while a person is talking to others. No need to struggle with this issue as doctors at Emergency dental Service has the solution for you.

Imagine you are delivering a sales presentation to your clients, and bad breath emanates from your mouth. It makes you feel conscious and embarrassed about yourself.

What Is Bad Breath?

Malodor or bad breath is a severe condition to poor oral hygiene or medical reasons. The best part is you don't have to feel embarrassed as the problem is curable.

Emergency Dentist

Causes of Bad Odor

The potential causes associated with foul odor have been listed as follows:

Tobacco: Products containing tobacco cause a foul odor in their ways. You are more likely to acquire a gum disease with these products.

Food: Another reason for foul mouth odor is food particles stuck in the teeth. Certain foods, including onion and garlic, produce lousy breath in the mouth. Once these foods are digested, the lungs carry them to the blood causing bad breath.

Dry Mouth: Saliva cleanses the mouth naturally. When the mouth is dry or a specific disease causes dryness, it results in odor built up.

Crash Diets: Fasting along with a low carbohydrate diet causes Halitosis. Fat breakdown results in Ketone production. These Ketones produce a strong aroma.

Foreign Body: Sometimes, a foreign body enters the nasal cavity of children causing bad breath.

Symptoms of Bad Odor

The mouth odor may vary and entirely depends on the cause of the problem.

To check if you have a bad breathe, perform the following steps. Lick your hand and smell it. You have Halitosis if the area is producing a foul smell.

Coping Strategies for Bad Breath

By making the following lifestyle changes and inculcating these home remedies as a part of your routine, you overcome this situation. An Emergency dentist has covered some of them for you:

Brushing: Brushing is an excellent way to get rid of bad breath. Brushing twice a day would remove unwanted particles causing bad breath.

Flossing: Flossing eliminates built-up particles and plaque present in the mouth.

Regular dental visits: If bad breath persists for extended periods, it is a dental emergency. Visit your doctor and obtain the treatment for the same.

Diet: Eliminate Garlic and Onions from your diet, and minimize coffee and alcohol intake. Consume unrefined foods that will keep the back of the tongue clean.

In conclusion, Bad breath puts you in an awkward situation. Tips given by doctors providing emergency dental care will keep your mouth fresh and healthy.


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